The home of the brave?

Frank Rotman, one of the partners at QED venture capital firm, has released an excellent paper on small business lending. He has surmised that atleast 100 alternative lenders exist in the USA.

Reamerge is proud to be among them. We are also one of the very few platforms (may be only one?) which is completely retail investor driven.

HERE is the paper. It is an excellent read.

New eBook: Passive Secured Lending

One of the questions REAMERGE gets is what is secured lending and how is that different from unsecured lending that happens at other platforms.

We at REAMERGE are committed to educating investors about secured lending and lending in general. While there will always be risks, understanding the risks and mitigating those risks is the essence of investing.

We hope you enjoy the EBOOK in a series of many.

Secured P2P Lending
Click to see the Ebook